Fake Face

Imaginary friend

A woman who feels lonely who is not cared for by her parents and has difficulty interacting or being accepted by her environment.
Imaginary friends are psychological and social phenomena when friendships or other relationships take place in the realm of imagination and not in the real world
Data teknis : f/4
Iso : 100
Speed : 1/10 sec
Focal length : 26 mm
Mode matering : pattern
I use slowspeed to give an imaginary friend an impression of the object

Fake face

The masked vigilante who cover she’s
a woman carrying a mask wherever she is to cover herself.
Masks are objects that are worn over the face. masks play an important role in various aspects of life that hold magical and sacred values
Data teknis : f/8
Iso : 100
Speed : 1/200 sec
Focal length : 50 mm
Mode matering : pattern

I use low ISO and fast speed because I use external flash help. I use an external flash so the light is flat because I take high angel

Hidden Trauma 

It’s made an impression and hard to forget.
Trauma is a physical reaction that is bad stressfull. Or experience of spontaneity that makes an individual shocked. Which is not easily lost in human memory and make silence.
Data teknis : f/4
Iso : 2500
Speed : 1/30 sec
Focal length : 17mm
Mode matering : pattern

I use ISO that is low and slowspeed because of the lack of lighting on the object

Candi Arjuna
The candi is similiar to candi-candi in complexes Gedong Sanga. Being the square with an area about size of about 4 m2, the boy of standing on batur as high 1m. (Dieng 2017).
Data teknis :  f/8
Iso :1000
Focal length : 18mm
Speed : 1/25 sec
Matering mode : pattern

I use high slowspeed and ISO to produce a pretty and beautiful lighting sky


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